'Nie wieder soll ein Deutscher gegen einen Deutschen kaempfen.'
Age of Chivalry- French vs English
Very late post as I had forgotten about this game. During our last club
Games day, a little more than a month ago one of our club members put on an
SAGA ...
vor 8 Stunden
"La première des vertus est le dévouement à la patrie" Napoléon Bonaparte
AntwortenLöschen'Und im Tode sind wir alle Brueder'
LöschenIs there a lot of recognition/remembrance of the events of 1813 in Germany, or is it restricted to people with an interest in the Napoleonic period?
AntwortenLöschen(apologies for comment in English, but the only other option was to google-translate it into some pigeon German!)
James, yes there's a lot of local events such as a village that made efforts to appear like in 1813, massive reenactments and histotorical Symposiums.
LöschenI really picked the wrong time to move to Canada!
Perhaps look forward to something in the Great Lakes area next year?!
LöschenI guess that's the thing left to do to this desperate German!