Update 2: Several gents were interested in more than just a few of these, so a slightly extended release will make sense. I can't accept further pre-orders until release tho, but stay tuned!
Sorry for being so quiet lately, but again real life took it's toll and I hardly got around to paint anything. But then again - other people do work on hobby related things. In this case as sculpting-contractors for the worlds most indecent line of miniatures.
Westfalias latest outing is a pair of northern Gents with questionable manners. As always sculpted by the incredible Herr Hicks. I initially intended to use them for my private collection, but certain friends were forcing me to make them available to a wider public.
I also received news about the cart today. I guess I need to apologize about the delay, but it seems like this baby is finally finding it's way into the moulds, and I'm very much looking forward to make it available to those who showed interest.
Update - Cart and Hanseatic Legion can be pre-ordered. Drop me a mail to kaweDOTweissiMINUSzadehAThotmailDOTcom if you're interested.
Age of Chivalry- French vs English
Very late post as I had forgotten about this game. During our last club
Games day, a little more than a month ago one of our club members put on an
SAGA ...
vor 9 Stunden
SOLD! Drop me a line when they're ready, Kawe.
They are brilliant!
AntwortenLöschenI know at least one 28mm collector who might be interested in these.
Very good.
AntwortenLöschenThank you for posting the images - they made me smile.
Since he would like to make a Highlanders regiment someday, it wants by all means.
AntwortenLöschenGenius! There are way too few laughing models on the tabletop. An effort worth to be supported. Any hint on the price tag though?
Lovely stuff! I will definately buy a set of them!
AntwortenLöschenmate these are awesome. Ive sent you an email to get them ordered.
AntwortenLöschenMight be interested any idea of the price?
AntwortenLöschenThank you for the kind words friends!
AntwortenLöschenI intend to offer them for around £1.10 to £1.25 depending on the final price I have to pay.
AntwortenLöschenPlease if you would like to preorder then do it per Email.
Thank you very much!
Brilliant! Blog followed, and message sent!
AntwortenLöschenHa! Marvellous. How can I buy these? I'm not sure where to find your email?
Drop me a mail to kaweDOTweissiMINUSzadehAThotmailDOTcom.
Löschenplease replace DOT with . and at with @
i will ahve som e of those then Kawe - brilliant. e mail on the way
AntwortenLöschenAbsolutely superb! I will need to have some of these, email on its way.
AntwortenLöschenLOL! What a pair of cheeky chappies!!
AntwortenLöschenHi, is it possible to send a mail to wargamenewsandterrain@hotmail.be as I can't seem to reach you by mail. Best regards
AntwortenLöschenThese are really cool. Fantastic fig's!
AntwortenLöschenI will take a pair of these please!
Best wishes
Would love to have a few sets of these but Email rejected from the address you gave. could you email me at:
thanks lee
Well i'll defiantly will have 3 sets from you email chinstrap19@hotmail.com when your ready.
AntwortenLöschenmany thanks Lee.
As a Scottish Wargamer I'd very much like 3 pairs when/if the become available, email steven.h84@gmail.com